
Does Regular Exercise Make Us More Attractive?

In people in their 40s and 50s who exercise regularly, the stratum corneum, which functions as a skin barrier, did not differ significantly from the skin of people in their 20s and 30s who do not exercise.

The Sbacret to Staying Young? Everyone must want to live a long and healthy life. So what should we do? To put it simply, it is exercise, diet, mental management,and sleep.

The movie terminal was very good. Is Krakowia really a country? I looked it up and apparently not. I wonder if it's still complicated to name a country that actually exists? It's bad luck to be stuck in an airport for nine months just to g…

I went to the hair salon. I think 2,200 yen for a cut is on the cheap side, but what do I think? It's good to get a haircut for a change.

I got rejected by two companies today.I knew that job hunting was not fun.But I'm going to keep working hard and steadily.